Posts tagged change

Life is full of transitions. I've always thought of these moments of big change as doorways I step through into another point in my life. Some are obvious -- getting married, moving to Ottawa, having my boys -- but some are less apparent but no less transformative. Since having my boys, I have gotten a lot of joy from watching them approach their own moments of transition with grace and aplomb, in their own time and in their own way. [...]

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Never A Waste Of Time

Things have been in a state of flux here -- a bit of change in our lives that, thus far anyway, seems positive and exciting. Dh has already had a bunch of interviews and one solid offer, but is still at home with us for now; we've begun working on a combined website, pooling our hobbies and habits; the boys have been enjoying their March Break; and I've started working. I think that last thing is the most exciting change for me. I haven't "worked" since January 2002. It feels like a lifetime ago -- hell, I was a 34B then! can you believe I'm now a 34E?! -- and I miss the adult interaction more and more as time goes by.

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