Never A Waste Of Time

Things have been in a state of flux here -- a bit of change in our lives that, thus far anyway, seems positive and exciting. Dh has already had a bunch of interviews and one solid offer, but is still at home with us for now; we've begun working on a combined website, pooling our hobbies and habits; the boys have been enjoying their March Break; and I've started working. I think that last thing is the most exciting change for me. I haven't "worked" since January 2002. It feels like a lifetime ago -- hell, I was a 34B then!  can you believe I'm now a 34E?! -- and I miss the adult interaction more and more as time goes by. That said, we've been ttc #3 for 2.5 years now and it can be a little daunting to find work to accomodate our eventual pregancy and childcare needs. Moms here are encouraged to bring baby to work as it allows customers to see the products in action, among other things.

What makes my new job so exciting is that I get to work around infants and talk about cloth diapering and all the stuff I loved so much about babies and toddlers -- stuff that has changed dramatically since I was doing it, but things in which I strongly believe. There's been a learning curve as I've never used a cash with Interac, there is a lot more selection in diapers, covers and carriers now than 5 years ago, and my brain has become a bit atrophied after going into stay-at-home mom mode. I'm really enjoying it, however, and am thrilled at the advances in diapering technology. It's all coming back to me in the most wonderful ways!

The other great thing about my new job is that it is quite literally around the corner from my house. I have a less than 2min commute by foot to work. ;)

The bad thing about my work is that I'm now coveting lots of new diaper fluff and don't yet have a baby to wrap it in. Poo.