Well, What Now?

One more day before the kids are set free for summer. One more day before I actually have to have plans (and, oh, I have plans.. but they're not entirely organized yet). One more day to make sure we have all the phone numbers and contact details to keep the boys in touch with their friends over the summer. One more day. The teachers' gifts were dropped off today -- the boys wanted me to do the delivery, so I obliged as it would give me a chance to chat with their teachers for a bit. I was almost tearful dropping off to #1's class as he has had one of his teachers for two years now. It's going to be strange working with a new teacher -- this one knows him so well now and *gets* how he works. #2's teacher has only been "his" since March, but I've really come to like her, too. I've offered to help out in her class for field trips and such next year. I like working with kids, but I find it very hard to work with my own in a classroom setting. It will be nice to get to work with her again.

Summer is looming ahead with the challenge of bringing my boys into work, getting them involved in a few daycamps, and our big trip to Nova Scotia. #2 is a little sad contemplating our friend H moving to Edmonton because he doesn't know how to write letters yet and thinks he won't see her again. Given he has long declared that he's going to marry her when he grows up so that they can be spies together (a more recent addition to his plans), this is a little bittersweet. I'm so glad that the three of them have had a chance to make those connections, though.

My plans for summer? I want to drool over Jim Cuddy at Bluesfest. I am going to buy Torchwood Series 3 as soon as it is released on DVD. I want to learn how to rollerskate, finally. I have a lot of sewing-related ideas I want to put into production. I'd like to paint the side porch and the front door. I hope to get my front garden path finished and my side yard sitting area at least useable, if not completed. I'll be working at the shop, which is always fun. Maybe another yardsale in August? (Maybe just a pile of donations to St. VdP, if there isn't enough "good stuff" for a sale.)

My biggest plan for summer is to repair and reupholster an antique chair my grandmother gave me, which was passed to her by her aunt. It needs a lot of work, but I think that careful summer camp planning will allow me to work at it with each of my boys seperately to finish it. I could send it somewhere to be repaired, but I think it will mean more this way. Plus this way will ensure that no one buffs out the teeth marks left on the hardwood arm of the chair by #1 when he was about 14mos and teething like a madman. I want those left in.

It's a "Mom" thing.