Day 19 - Work

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2020 April 05



I went in to work today. We’re closed on Sundays right now, but the shake-up of employees and the switch to online/phone ordering and facilitating delivery ourselves has made things feel a little chaotic, so I offered to come in today to play “catch up” a bit.

Even though we were closed, the phone still rang and people still came to pick up orders since someone was there. It was nice.

It felt good to feel useful.

Here at home I feel like I’m in a holding pattern. Not moving forward, not moving backwards — slogging through the same stuff day after day, mediating disagreements between the kids, making meals, washing dishes, picking up toys off the stairs for the bajillionth time.

At work I can see a pile of completed orders building as I work through the list. I talk to appreciative customers who are so thankful that we are still open for now. I mop the floor and it stays clean.

I feel like I’m doing something concrete and helpful.

Things feel weird right now, Folks, and they are going to feel this way for a long time. It’s going to take a lot of time for things to ease back into a new normal. I wonder what it will look like.