Day 11 - Waiting

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2020 March 28



I went for a walk with my 5yr old today. She needed to run around and blow off some cobwebs, and has been craving some time with me on her own.

We hit the local trail and put in 3.5 km of looking for signs of Spring and talking about stuff.

She misses her friends. She misses her classroom.

We’ve gently started talking about how school might not be restarting before summer, but she’s hoping she will get to see her teacher again before then. My heart hurts for her because she has trouble grasping why this is happening, and to be fair I struggle with this at times too.

I miss work. I miss nipping out to the grocery store and grabbing a drive-thru coffee. I miss seeing my friends.

I miss my routines.

I feel selfish in wanting everything to go back to normal — what I’m missing pales in comparison to people missing loved ones who are in hospital or who have died. Trading in our old routines for staying home, avoiding stores, and practicing safe, physical distance saves lives.

But it’s awfully hard to explain to a 5yr old how long we will be waiting for things to be back to normal.