Day 10 - Fresh Air

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2020 March 27



I feel like I didn’t accomplish much today.

The hyper-productivity of the past few days was put on hold — paused — because I felt so tired. #Kid3 and #Kid4 spent most of the day playing Minecraft and math games on the computer. #Kid2 entertained herself with Super Simple Songs on YouTube.

I did make homemade burger buns (and posted the recipe) for chicken burgers — a favorite with the kids. I helped my 5yr old make a video of her singing Happy Birthday to send to a classmate and a family friend, who are celebrating their birthdays in isolation. I spent some time chatting with a friend who is getting a bit shack happy, cooped up with her family.

And then I went for a walk.

I should have started my day that way.

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Being outside on the trails (still open for us to use at this point), was soul quieting.

I saw birds, buds on trees getting ready to open, and listened to the sound of the breeze rattling last year’s leaves in the branches. The crunch of crushed gravel under my feet was satisfying.

I walked about 5.5 km, only seeing 2 other people and giving them a wide berth — physical and social distancing at its best. I walked until the sun started to dip below the horizon, alone with my thoughts, then I headed home.

I think I will do it again tomorrow.

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