One of those boring update posts..

13 months. Obi is 13 mos old now. Where has the time gone? He's still my "dainty" baby -- clocking in at 40th percentile for weight, and the 75th for height and head. He's running, climbing, had a wicked sense of humor and loveloveloves playing with other kids. No sooner did he chunk up, then he started to slim down again. He likes to climb onto the couch, then scale the back and turn on his father's computer speakers and listen/dance/sing to whatever comes blaring out of the speakers. "Mama", "up", "Pop pop", and "cat" are the words he uses most. He has 13 teeth to go with his 13 months. Where has the time gone?

Our business, Bytown Beanery, is growing steadily. I'm enjoying it much more than I expected to and love the feeling of success at starting it from nothing and watching it grow. It's easy to forget after 9 years primarily home with the kids, that I have a brain that works -- that can plan and organize, envision and bring to life.

I'm purging (though I must update the sidebar more frequently). A growing business and growing family need more space. Bigger boys need different toys. We have a tendency to accumulate, and sloughing off the excess is quite a liberating feeling. We're having a yard sale next week and the older boys are beside themselves with mercenary glee at the idea of selling their old things for money.

School is winding up for the year and Boy#1 is off to a week of Robotics Camp this summer. I'm hoping to find something that will fit Boy#2 as well -- drama, dance or art would be great for him. I've big plans for the older two this summer in terms of market-going. We're going to try and hit the Market every couple days to pick up ingredients for supper and they're going to make meals based on what is in season. The country gal in me may be overcompensating for the cityness of my kids, but I want them to get to know the farmers who grow their food. This stuff is really important to me and I don't think they can be too young to start learning about food production.

I'm still happily selling diapers and assorted sundries at The Extraordinary Baby Shoppe -- can't say enough about how privileged I am to work with such wonderful people in such a great place. I love our customers and would quite contentedly hang out with any or all of my coworkers outside of work anytime -- how many people are lucky enough to say that? DH is still immersed in butchery and also satisfied with his job. The salary shift has been a big adjustment in some ways, but the overall job satisfaction is well worth the financial sacrifice.

My Urban Jungle is growing by leaps and bounds and I've plants galore that I'm giving away. The great thing about gardening is being able  to pass along free plants. They're rarely unwelcome and always bring a smile. ;) The boys have big plans to grow their own salad greens this year. giving away. The great thing about gardening is being able  to pass along free plants. They're rarely unwelcome and always bring a smile. ;)

I've been feeling singularly uninspired with regards to posting, but that's a good thing -- in my case it means I'm busy and a busy me is a happy me!