Contest: Summer Fun In The Sun!

This contest is now closed. Scroll down for the winner! The Green Beaver Company was nice to me, and now they are going to be nice to you!

They have provided me with some of their new Kids SPF 30 Sunscreen and a package of their SPF 15 Lip Moisturizer so that you, too, can get out in the sun this summer!

This contest is open to Ottawa, Ontario residents only. Prize winner must be willing to pick up their prize.

How to enter:

Mandatory Entry:  Tell me what fun sunny plans you have for this summer that could be made better with these Green Beaver products. Be sure to include your email address so that I can contact you if you win.

Extra Entries (come back and post after each of these, with a link):

1. Follow @TheGreenBeaver on Twitter and leave them a note to say "hi!"

2. Follow The Green Beaver Company on Facebook.

3. Follow Refashionista on Facebook.

4. Email subscribe to this blog. Be sure to leave your subscription handle/email address.

5. Let me know what Green Beaver products you already use and love!

You can enter once for each of these, for a maximum total of 6 entries. The mandatory entry must be submitted or the rest of your entries will be considered null and void.

Contest closes at 11:59pm EST, June 16, 2011.The winner will be picked via on Friday, June 17, 2011. This contest is open to Ottawa, Ontario residents only. Prize winner must be willing to pick up their prize.

The winner is Nat! Congratulations! :)