
Another point form post, as I'm feeling a bit disjointed as I get back to routines -- despite being more relaxed than I've been in months:

  • I've a review coming up in the next week for my totally awesome new toothbrush. I love it. I mean I really love it. It's awesome. It's the electric toothbrush for toothbrushing dummies and kids. It rocks. Look for coupons ('tis a bit pricey) and get one -- you won't be sorry!
  • While sad and a bit stressful for obvious reasons, I'm so glad the trip back East let the the boys bond with their cousins. #1 has a cousin-crush on his same-age girl cousin from Alberta. It's rather sweet. He talks about her every day.
  • My birthday is coming up. I may or may not plan something. I might just bug a friend to invite me over for wine, girl-time, and cheesecake or something. I have a feeling that 33 is going to be a monumental year for me.
  • I'm on a random child-sized hat knitting spree. I've a feeling I may need to list some of these on Etsy. I don't think I know enough kids the right size for them -- they're mostly baby-toddler size right now because those are quick and fun.
  • I'm thinking of growing my hair a bit and going back to the chin length bob or bob with severe bangs that I had about a year ago. I kind of miss being able to pull my hair back. This is purely in the hypothetical stage, though, as I'm mostly thinking up reasons to avoid getting my hair cut.
  • I'm having fun with my food blog. I think I'll keep it up.
  • I feel really tired all the time, but also have crazy amounts of organizing energy. It leaves me with that weird "body buzz" feeling. It makes it hard to shut off my brain at night, but it means I'm getting a lot of stuff done -- some from column A, some from column B, I guess. I'm reasonably sure it's because my iron is low, as I'm extra pale and have had obvious bloodloss issues recently. I'm dosing with ferrous gluconate and eating appropriate veggies and such. Ironically, that link likely explains why my oldest has no iron issues -- pleh, black olives are GROSS!