Quick Update

This will be short, as I've already spent too long at my computer -- it's making me feel seasick. The surgery on Thursday went as well as expected -- thanks for the well wishes. There were no cysts to remove, though given how my week prior to the surgery evolved that was not at all a surprise. If I hadn't had this surgery booked, I might have actually given in to that inner voice and gone to the Emerg at the hospital earlier in the week. Hopefully I won't have to experience anything like that again anytime soon.

My doctor did find extensive endo and lasered it -- I don't really know anything more specific than that at this point. I see her again in early Nov.

FYI, I won't be on my computer so much this week. I've been battling nasty headaches since the surgery and am finding the computer is making it worse. Today is my first day back on. :p