Long Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow's the big day -- I report to the Civic at 7:30am for surgery at 9:30am. I'm on a lovely (not) regime of pico-salax (and, ftr, the orange taste is most decidedly not pleasant) and a clear fluid diet. The most solid my food gets to be today is jello. Yay. Would you feel sorry for me if I also mentioned that I'm partway through the absolute worst period of my life?

It will be good to have the surgery over with -- I should be getting home some time after 4pm tomorrow and have a few days of resting and watching BBC movies ahead of me. #2 is a little concerned about it, but wants to be my "home doctor" when I get home and #1 hasn't really said much about it at all. He has a field trip tomorrow, so I imagine he won't be too bothered about it at school. It's my reliably content one I'm more concerned about, as he has this "thing" now about leaving me behind or saying goodbye. I have to make my goodbyes more dramatic now so he remembers that we said it -- closure or routine? I'm really not sure. It's almost like delayed seperation anxiety. LOL

#2 is still wearing his bracelet from his Thanksgiving Monday trip to Saunders' Farm. He is still talking about all the fun he had, and he's still obsessed with our friend H. It's all pretty cute.

Dh and I had our 12th anniversary this weekend. We didn't really do much -- picked up some Indian Food from a local shop and hung out. I was feeling pretty horrid for reasons mentioned above combined with a really horrid headache. We're going to have a proper date in November and ask H to watch the boys for us. I'm so preoccupied by what's happening tomorrow that trying to go out and do something would have been pointless.

In totally unrelated news, I've been knitting hats. And enjoying it!