
I've been rather unproductive the last few days--mostly because I've been stymied at every turn by my wonderfully busy children. To remedy that, I found them an engrossing combination of Doodlebops and a craft/game activity and have plugged myself into my mp3 player--onto which I've loaded all my retro faves:

  • Blue Rodeo, "5 Days in May"
  • Madonna, "Immaculate Collection"
  • Bobby Darin, "Mack the Knife"
  • Corey Hart, "Boy in the Box"
  • Bruce Springsteen, "Born in the USA"
  • Patsy Cline, "Complete Greatest Hits"
  • The Band, "Best of The Band"
  • Romeo & Juliet, "Soundtrack"

It's all stuff I can sing to loudly--songs to which I know all the words that make me feel happy and energetic. A half hour of this has seen me:

  • empty the dishwasher, put everything away, load and wash all the dirty dishes
  • start a new load of laundry
  • take out the recycling
  • tackle some of the "yuckies" hiding in the fridge
  • make a ReallyBigPot of jasmine tea

I'm about to scale laundry mountain now--something I was intending to do yesterday but, um, was perhaps a little hungover from enjoying the previous night's tavern Stitch-n-Bitch a bit too much. ;)

ETA: Laundry Mountain half-scaled! Yay! Now to go wash my hair..

EATA: Hair washed, older son picked up from school (and, thus, available to entertain his brother), some online shopping completed, and am about to tackle the remnants of Laundry Mountain!