I’m Such A Slacker

I've finally updated my "Books Read 2007" list. It's not entirely up-to-date--there are probably about 10 books missing. Hopefully I'll get those added shortly. It is amazing how a run of generally forgettable books sucks the urge to update--that said, I hit the Nora Roberts (my guilty pleasure) jackpot at St. VdP a couple weeks ago and will probably tackle that for some light backyard reading while the kids play in the backyard this summer. On the agenda for today:

  • dye roving with kid #1
  • tidy living room (half done)
  • dry towels from washer
  • wash towels and #2's soiled clothes
  • wash living room blankets, dry them
  • empty dishwasher, wash dishes
  • finish and post new set of stitch markers
  • get #1 to school, pick him up from school
  • update Purge 2007 blog
  • dry towels/clothes
  • wash non-flannel bedsheets and assorted soiled clothing
  • dry the bedsheets and stuff
  • make supper (trout fillets w/ garlic butter, spring rolls, rice)
  • run around after toilet-training 3.5 year old (on-going and, frankly, never-ending..)

Busy, busy!

(Owww.. mid-afternoon surprise migraine. PAIN! Treating with tylenol and caffeine. Gah.)

Melissa DimockComment