Day 16 - Just A Regular Day

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2020 April 2



Our public health unit posted 40 total cases today.

That’s up from 35 yesterday.

I largely put COVID-19 out of my mind today, though. I put together a supplementary seed order with Halifax Seed Company for the few things we didn’t find locally at Canadian Tire. I spent more time sketching out the garden layout, and giving myself freedom to think outside the box in terms of other functions the garden and its structures can fulfill beyond food. (4).png

We moved the barrels to the backyard — they will be cut in half over the weekend, if the weather cooperates. Maybe we’ll get the teenagers to help and call it “shop class”. We also took delivery of two more containers that will be cut in half to form the main part of the garden.

These containers came with metal cages that got my creative juices going.

The current plan is to flip them upside down so that the base becomes the roof, and to cut a couple of the bars to make doorways . I will either train morning glories or climbing peas and beans to grow on then, creating a living hiding place for the kids. The children really like this idea, so I hope I can execute it in the way I picture it in my head!

We’re still trying to avoid the regular grocery store.

I put together an order for a cash and carry wholesaler. My husband will be picking it up tomorrow. It was the easiest way to get diced tomatoes in the volume and price point we wanted, and I ordered a few other things like flour, yeast, mozzarella, and salami. I will be cutting up the salami and mozzarella and freezing it in “pizza sized” portions.

If you need an excellent pizza dough recipe, I have one — it makes approximately 2kg of dough, and is very easy to make:

Other than that, today was pretty low-key. The kids did school, my husband worked, I did my usual household tasks, we made pizza for supper, and we went to bed.

It was nice to have just a regular day.

Melissa DimockComment