Not So Sensitive!*

Mornings can be hard. Mornings are even harder when you are immersed in an environment of controlled chaos, with kids are loudly racing around making lunches and looking for school bags, and you brew your cup of coffee -- liquid fortitude against the morning onslaught -- and that first sip of hot coffee makes your front teeth throb. When I was around age 10, I remember my Dad introducing me to his special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. My front teeth had taken to aching every time I had something very sweet or very cold. I didn't care for the taste, but I couldn't argue with the results. As I moved into my teens, I entered the world of orthodontics and discovered all the wonders of braces. (Yes, there's a hefty dose of sarcasm, in case you missed it.) The braces left a whole new world of hurt when they were done and I renewed my relationship with my sensitive teeth.

Now, at 37, I still have problems with very hot, very cold, or very sweet foods causing my front teeth to ache. In my line of business, I can't afford to have hot beverages setting off the throbbing pain of sensitive teeth -- I roast (and, therefore, drink) a lot of coffee. When I'm not using toothpaste for sensitive teeth, I'm using toothpaste that will whiten and brighten those coffee stains.

Unlike other toothpastes, Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste works by plugging the channels that lead to the sensitive tooth nerves, to block the pain. It works right away -- no waiting for a week or more to notice a difference! Used regularly, it builds a long-lasting protective barrier that acts like a seal against sensitivity.

Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief is one of the two toothpastes my dentist recommends for my sensitivity. It offers quick and effective relief for me, and is possibly the best tasting toothpaste I've used. Colgate sent me some toothpaste and a Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothbrush to try as part of the Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Challenge.

Always before I had merely brushed my teeth with the toothpaste for relief, but Colgate suggests applying it directly to the problem area. I don't know why I haven't tried this before -- relief was instantaneous. Now I'll start tucking the sample size tubes the dentist gives me into my purse for relief on the go!

I was equally impressed with the toothbrush. I tend to go back and forth between a standard toothbrush and my electric -- I love the flossing head on the electric, with its little silicone paddles designed to slip in and out between my teeth while massaging my gums. The Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothbrush feels exactly the same way, something I never expected a manual toothbrush to be able to accomplish. Using the two together left my mouth tingling, fresh and pain-free.

Now that I know the trick of applying the toothpaste directly to the problem tooth, my mornings will start that much better. I think yours should, too. Do you have sensitive teeth like me? Do you want to take the Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Challenge?

  • Sign up for a free sample of CSPR toothpaste (1 sample per house hold).

TRY the product

  • Rub the toothpaste directly on the sensitive tooth with your fingertip and gently massage for 1 minute
  • Eat or drink something that triggers your tooth sensitivity, and be amazed!

Then REVIEW the toothpaste online for a chance to win one (1) NESPRESSO® U Pure Orange coffee machine and one (1) gift basket containing a 1 year supply of Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief products!

When you sign up to take the challenge you will receive:

  • 1 trial size tube (22 mL) of Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste
  • 1 coupon for $1 off a Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste

*Disclosure: I am part of the #ColgateSensitive Pro-Relief Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.