End of a Season

The chilly, gray onslaught of November means many things to me: 1 month until Boy#2's birthday, 2 months until Christmas... and the winding down of the Parkdale Market. We received our last CSA delivery last week, and yesterday visited the Market to stock up on great deals as business shut down. Our haul?

5 huge cabbages (7lb - 10lb ea., $11) 7 big buttercup squash ($10) 3 large bunches of broccoli ($3) 7 gigantic leeks ($5) about 1.5 bushels of apples -- different types, sizes ($25) 4 gorgeous bags of baby spinach ($10) 1 large pumpkin ($5)

I may go back down this week for more squash, leeks, potatoes, turnips and cooking onions. Our favorite stall closes this coming weekend, and at least one stall tries to stay open until mid/late November, but most closed down on October 31st. This will be a week of cooking, freezing, canning, and preparing for winter storage. Colder weather calls for comfort foods, and I'm looking forward to sharing some of mine over the next week!

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