Opinions on Ottawa Midwives Wanted! :)

Anticipating a good result on Friday, I'm trying to decide which set of midwives to phone this time. Last time I was with The Midwifery Group of Ottawa and, while I was extremely happy with the pregnancy care and the postpartum care, events that occurred during the birth left me somewhat less confident in them. Does anyone who reads here have experiences with the Midwifery Collective? Are they "medwives"?

Feel free to contact me directly, if you'd prefer to not post your experiences here: "melissa.dimock @ gmail.com"

Edited to add: I promise that there will be a non-pregnancy related post soonish. Really. I'm merely obsessing at the moment.  For one, I still have my Torchwood: Children of Earth review to do! And the Philips Sonicare For Kids product review! And some pissing and moaning about how Ikea seems determined to undermine my decorating schmatics!