If I Build It, Will One Come?

I've been working at The Extraordinary Baby Shoppe for a number of weeks now -- surrounded by the latest and greatest in diapering technology, but managing to avoid caving to my diaper-lust. Until now, at least. :D It's the opinion of the staff that the best way to get pregnant is to start working at Susie's -- it has worked for a good number of current and former staff, apparently. I've had no luck with this particular method so far, though, and today caught myself considering another method -- the "building of the Stash."

To this end, I purchased my first new diaper for our not-yet-conceived third (and last, thankyouverymuch) child. It's a beautiful one-size BumGenius 3.0 in "Ribbet" -- the perfect shade of "Kermit" green. It's beautiful and in a storage box all by itself. It looks lonely.. it may need a Blueberry One-Size to keep it comfy -- one of the nice bright yellow ones with the orange snaps, I think. Perhaps next pay-day..   ;)

(I'll take this moment to add, as an aside, that I *really* love my new job -- for so many reasons and in so many ways! It's a really great work environment and my boss rocks. :D)