Product Review: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, Now With EXtra Power!

Yes, I'm doing some more product reviews -- those of you who know me well will be confused to hear how excited I was to be selected to try out a basket full of Procter & Gamble cleaning supplies. I must add that this task couldn't have been better-timed, as the box of goodies arrived just prior to a surprise visit from my folks (the first in, quite literally, years!) that had me in a cleaning tizzy! The first product to be grabbed from the basket was the ever-reliable Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I have had a love affair with this sponge since I received my first free sample years ago when #1 was a toddler. You see, this eraser removed crayon from the walls like.. well.. magic! Anyone with a toddler knows how useful something like this can be.

I cleaned all the crayon from the walls, then moved on to wiping doorframes and handles free of grime. After they were sparkling, I looked around for something else to shine. You see, it works so well it can be quite addictive! The only downside was how quickly it disintegrated under my enthusiastic scrubbing.

On opening the new version of my favorite cleaning product, I was happy to see that it is now contoured to better fit the hand, denser to allow it to withstand scrubbing and textured to assist in lifting stubborn grime. I was not disappointed in the least and can only hope that Costco will start selling this newer version in the multipack boxes the way it has sold the original.

Mr. Clean, my swarthy kitchen pirate with the shining pate and rougish good looks -- if you weren't a cartoon drawing on a box, you'd probably have to get a restraining order..