"Feel The Love" Follow-Up

Here they are!

  1. Sarah: You are one of the folks I know whom I consider the embodiment of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps". You have had a lot to shoulder and you have done it with bravery and grace. You are tireless in your efforts to give your boys the best. I admire your creativity and courage in starting your business.
  2. Cortejo: In all the years I have known you, I never recall seeing you afraid to try something new. Your ability to not only accept people's differences but to fully embrace and celebrate them is a rare talent, as is your strength in pursuing your interests. To top it all off, you're just darn cute. :)  I am terribly glad to have renewed your acquaintance and am amused (as are you, I see) that we have grown up into overlapping interests and values. Apparently we had more than acadia.sub.door in common. ;)
  3. Soire: I also consider you one of those admirable "bootstraps" ladies I am fortunate to know. You amaze me. Going to university and now working, running a home-based business, and being an involved young mom to two lovely girls yet still carving out quality time for yourself makes you abit of a hero in my books. Your forthright honesty in things is refreshing -- you shoot from the hip and you don't pull punches. You understand that sometimes tough love is what a friend really needs.