Oh yeah.. my blog..
I seem to be forgetting about my blog lately. I've been caught up in knitting, dying yarns, and I've even gotten my spinning wheel out a couple times. There is something about this time of year that makes me want to curl up in a cozy chair and work on projects--which is good, as the holidays are approaching faster than I'd care to admit.
As a result, however, my blog has been sadly bereft of new content--I will improve, I promise! It is only that my creative energies are focused elsewhere at the moment. Once the snow hits and my outdoor projects get put on hold until the new year I am sure that I will again find the inspiration to write. As it is, I'll post recent highlights in point form:
- our 11th wedding anniversary is fast approaching--I can hardly believe it has been that long already
- I have a glorious bag of Gravensteins--gifted on me by a former high school acquaintance who (ironically) now lives in my Ottawa neighbourhood. It truely is a small world at times! I wish I could buy these apples here in Ontario, but having them once every two years will just have to do. They smell so good that I haven't had the heart to turn them into pie yet.
- My oldest son has shorn his long locks and now has a brushcut. There were many tears in the process--both his and mine--but he has admitted that he likes it short almost as much as he liked it long. He has announced that he is growing it long again and wants to know how many months it will take to reach his shoulders.
- My youngest finally seems to be settling into Junior Kindergartern. He loves it and has since the start but is actually (mostly) listening to his teacher now. Yay!
- I've got almost all the carpet out of our house. Only a little bit more to go before winter--maybe then I'll get to paint over the hideous smurf blue on our bedroom walls. Wouldn't that be nice?
My husband informed me that we are making and canning tomato sauce this afternoon, but I hope to do some dying later tonight. I have a few pounds of merino roving that has been calling out to me for awhile now. I am also planning to assemble another felting grab bag at some point and get it listed in my etsy shop with the yarns I dyed this past Friday. I might even make myself a monster doll later today--if I'm happy with it, it could get listed too.
UPDATE: Well, I haven't made the monster doll yet--though I'm still planning to start it tonight. I did get 2oz of merino dyed in a fabulous combination of orange and peach--so much like peach in the first dye bath that my oldest son actually asked if he could have some to eat! I'm not sure if I'll list it on its own or use it in grab bags and my own projects yet, though I'm leaning towards listing at least 1oz of it--likely Tuesday.