East Coast Vacation 2007 : A Point Form Recap in Random Order

  • 3 bags of clothes and Aikido gear for Bodensatz + my Dad's guitar + 3 bags of clothes for myself and the kids (in addition to the usual assortment of random footwear) + two kids' bikes and helmets = one freaking full minivan
  • fromageries along the Trans-Canada in Quebec are awesome
  • One week in the Valley isn't nearly enough time to visit anyone other than family
  • #2 was very impressed when the nasty little dog that bit him was spanked
  • Dad showing off his new-to-him Goldwing
  • Whipped down the road between Saxon Street and Jawbone Corner at 110mph on the back of the aforementioned Goldwing (it was like flying.. major bike-lust going on here)
  • The kids got to ride their bicycles with wild abandon up and down a driveway about half the length of our street here in Ottawa
  • The barlady at the Heather in Stellarton is scary. SCARY.
  • No retailer in Pictou County carries garam masala or whole cumin seed (nevermind the truely exotic, like whole cardamon pods)
  • NSLC delisted Golden Glow
  • Wolfville NSLC carries an awesome range of the Lunenburg County Winery products
  • Simpsons movie. Skateboard sequence. Anything more would require spoilers.
  • Bodensatz nearly drowned #2 in the lake
  • I found fossils at the lake and spent many enjoyable hours building a loose rock breakwater to increase the beachfront
  • Solar-powered psychedelic turtle lights
  • Halls Harbour dulse. Finding an old glass doorknob and an old spinning wheel bobbin in the same shop.
  • New fibre from Gaspereau Valley Fibres
  • Taking the kids to Ross Creek
  • Read my first Jackie Collins book ;)
  • Frenchies. FRENCHIES!
  • Mom and Dad's amazing gardens and property
  • Fresh country air and dark, quiet nights
  • #2 potty-training along the Trans-Canada .. o.O (three weeks diaper-free!)
  • Annual realization that, while I can phone or email the people I miss, I have to leave behind all my important places for another year
  • Discussion of next year's visit--the kids and I will be there for at least a month.. yay!
Melissa Dimock3 Comments